There’s One Squash That Isn’t Hard to Work With

It’s one of many reasons why I love it

Kathryn Arthur


Oven-roasted delicata squash. All photos by Kathryn Arthur

What’s not to love about winter squash? It’s loaded with vitamin A — and a wide array of other vitamins and minerals — and it’s incredibly versatile: Add some maple syrup and cinnamon to satisfy your sweet tooth, or prepare it with onions, garlic, and herbs for more savory dishes. So why don’t we eat more of it?

Because you need an ax to get those things opened! And don’t even think about asking me to peel it. That’s why!

It doesn’t have to be like this. Meet the delicata.

Delicata squash.

Golden yellow, ribbed with bright orange and green stripes — this squash is still hard, but it doesn’t come close to rivaling a butternut. Its smaller diameter also makes chopping a much less foreboding task.

Another benefit? The skin isn’t nearly as tough as many other winter squash and can actually be eaten. No peeling necessary!

This is what I’d consider the quickest and simplest preparation:

Oven-Roasted Delicata Squash



Kathryn Arthur
Writer for

Data Enthusiast. Mathlete. Farmer. Writer. Mom.