Racial Justice Canand ShouldStart at the Table

Where mealtime is a moment for change

Kayla Stewart
Published in
5 min readAug 31, 2020


People sitting around tables.
‘ALL’S Dinner,’ a big outdoor table to dine together with Christian citizens, Muslims, Jews, Buddhists, and laypeople in Rome, Italy, as an answer against all forms of intolerance and racism in June 2019. Photo: Stefano Montesi /Corbis/Getty Images

We live in a system in which a white cop feels empowered to kneel on a Black man’s neck for nearly 9 minutes and take his life. That system is held up by politicians, officers, and everyday citizens who grew up in homes with a narrow view of America — an incomplete narrative, one that vilifies Black Americans…



Kayla Stewart
Writer for

Kayla Stewart is a freelance journalist from Houston, and is currently based in Harlem.