The 12 Most Read Stories on Heated This Year

Our most compelling reads of 2019 may surprise you

Melissa McCart


Photo: Lora Ohanessian/Unsplash

In the last week of 2019, we want to thank you for following us and embracing Heated. We couldn’t do it without you — and we appreciate your support as we move into the new decade.

Since the Heated launch, you’ve shown us that you’ve been engaged by stories on health and nutrition, how Big Ag affects us, restaurants, and, of course, cooking. Here’s a look back at our 12 — well, 13, with a tie — most popular stories of 2019.

Whether it’s before the end of the year or well into 2020, we are happy to hear from you (and if you don’t hear back from us right away, we will be in touch — promise). Don’t hesitate to reach out in the comments or through Happy New Year and thanks for reading.

— Melissa McCart, editor

1. Most of What You Know About Protein Is Wrong

Take this quiz to find out more

2. Rethinking Gluten-Free

Modern wheat has been shown to



Melissa McCart

Editor of Heated with Mark Bittman on Medium. Dog mom. Pho fan. Send me your pitches: